

Friday, 24 October 2014

"Welcome to Paradise" - The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3

SPOILER WARNING!! Do not read ahead if you have not seen the third episode of The Vampire Diaries Season 6!

Somewhat pissed following Ivy's murder at the hands of Enzo, Stefan goes to the mechanic workshop he has been working at over the past few months and compels his boss into letting him have time off, burying poor Ivy's body and of course, giving him a raise when he returns! What's Stefan's plan you ask? Return to his old life, kill Enzo, and leave said old life again. How long before he is forced to save eternal-damsel in distress Elena and prove he still cares for his friends? I give it 2 episodes max!

Speaking of Elena, she appears to be excelling in her new life, after Alaric compelled away her love for Damon in the previous episode. She even found time to try and set Caroline up with Liam (Cute Brag?) from her pre-med course. However, Liam actually has feelings for her and is obviously shaping up to be the obligatory post-Damon's death love interest that is sure to complicate matters when Damon magically returns from the dead.

For once it's Caroline who is struggling with her romantic angst over a Salvatore, rather than Elena! What a twist! Caroline emotionally appeals to Stefan to stick around because the gang, and specifically Caroline herself, needs him more than ever. However, Stefan is still angry about Enzo and walks away, leaving poor Caroline in tears. Later, Elena asks Caroline if she has feelings for Stefan, and finally, she openly admits it! I actually felt the collective screams of Steroline fans around the world the second the words left Caroline's mouth. 

Jeremy spends most of the episode shirtless at the watering hole party where Elena tries to get the old gang back together. Elena disapproves of his continuing relationship with Sarah, the girl she attacked whilst using the witchy-herbs Luke gave her in the premiere. Eventually, everyone realises that compulsion fades once someone breaches the border to Mystic Falls and that Sarah has known the whole time that Elena and Caroline are vampires. Jeremy tries to find her at the Salvatore's, but she has trashed the houses and fled!

In relatively minor news, Tyler continues to struggle with his anger issues and is constantly provoked by Liv Parker, who does mention that she is only acting like a total bitch so that she can stop herself falling for Tyler! To be fair, this is the only legitimate sexual tension on the show right now, so maybe this budding relationship is more significant than I first thought?

In other news, poor Matt buys Tripp's "red mulch" cover story for the mess left in his truck after mass murdering a group of vampires at the end of last week's episode. Oh Matt, it's a good thing you've still got those blue eyes Katherine loved so much! The gang soon learns that the group Matt has joined is full of vampire hunters when Matt's friend Jay, attempts to kill Stefan, only to be killed himself. Uh-oh! How is Matt going to gracefully exist this group without getting himself killed? After learning about the group, Stefan allies himself with Tripp by helping the creepy vampire hunter and helps him capture Enzo! I can only hope Enzo meets with a wooden stake in the next episode, but something tells me I couldn't be that lucky!

And back in Mystic Falls circa 1994, Damon and Bonnie continue to bicker like an old marry couple and don't seem any closer to finding a way home than they did last season. However, when Damon is attacked by Kai, the other occupant of the other dimension the pair learnt about last week, Bonnie comes to the rescue. How you ask? By using magic! That's right, Bonnie's powers are back and Kai explains that he only attacked Damon to provoke the emotional response necessary for Bonnie to reclaim her powers!

Overall rating: ★★★★
Season 6 of TVD feels a lot like TVD circa seasons 2 and 3, when the show was at its absolute best! The series is yet to serve up anything other than a suspensful, twist-filled masterpiece this season and "Welcome to Paradise" is no exception.
Not only was this episode entertaining, it was filled with necessary plot progression- the Steroline romance was finally addressed onscreen, Jeremy's girlfriend Sarah finally seemed to have some sort of relevance, Tripp's creepiness was revealed to the gang and most importantly, Bonnie finally got her powers back!


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