SPOILER WARNING!!! Do not read ahead if you have not seen the sixth episode of True Blood's Season 7 "Karma".
This episode picks up with Eric continuing to slaughter members of the Yakuza at the Republican gala, however, he is forced to surrender in order to save Pam, who has been captured and silvered. Our two favourite vampires (let's face it, they are pretty much the driving force of the show at this stage) are hauled off to the headquarters of the Yakonomo Corporation - the company behind the manufacture of True Blood. Eric and Pam are chained to chairs in front of a window and a timer is placed in front of them counting down until sunrise. With mere minutes to go until the sun rises the President of the corporation, Mr. Gus, appears and interrogates the pair as to the whereabouts of Sarah Newlin. Pam and Eric slowly begin to burn as the sun comes up, however, the pair manage to strike a bargain with Mr. Gus - they will take him to Sarah's sister's house when night falls if they are allowed to live. I am continuing to enjoy this storyline the most, the performances of both Alexander Skarsgard and Kristin Bauer van Straten are fantastic, with both managing to convey the intensity of their character's relationship with the subtlest of gestures or expressions.
Elsewhere, Bill is left reeling from the sudden onset of his infection with Hepatitis V. Bill's first thoughts go to ensuring the welfare of his progeny, Jessica, as he organises a meeting with an attorney to arrange his last will and testament. Whilst waiting in the attorneys waiting room (which is packed with a brood of diseased vampires looking to get their estates in order) Bill notices the tell-tale black veins of Hep V spreading across his body at an extremely drastic and unusual rate. When he finally manages to meet with the attorney, she informs him that the law does not recognise the familial relationship between a maker and progeny, and that the only way to transfer his estate to Jessica is to adopt her. However, this process takes up to a year, by which time Bill will have met the true death. When the attorney attempts to extort Bill, he loses control, killing her and staking her vampire guard with a pencil.
Unbeknownst to Bill, Jessica overhears his conversation to the attorney's office and is devastated by the revelation that her maker is infected. Jessica calls Jason and asks him to bring Sookie to her house, as it is daylight and she can't leave. Jason sneaks out of bed, leaving Violet. Jessica tells Sookie and Jason about Bill's condition, and Sookie realizes in horror that she must have been infected during the fight with the Hep V vampires several episodes back, and that when Bill fed off her he contracted the virus. Sookie goes to the local clinic and is tested for the virus; she later receives a phone call confirming that she is Hep V positive. Sookie and Jessica break down in each others arms and sit on Bill's staircases waiting for him to come home. This turn of events has actually managed to surprise me, and although I've never been a huge fan of Bill, the emotional reaction of Jessica managed to move me to the point that I hope he doesn't meet the true death- even after all the horrible things he has done in recent seasons.
Across town, Adilyn and Wade consummate their relationship, however, are busted by Andy who chases Wade off and gets in a screaming match with Holly over his treatment of her son. In another hilarious performance by Carrie Preston, Arlene comes to the rescue and manages to help the pair reconcile. When Holly and Andy return to the Bellefleur house to discuss the situation with their kids, they are told by Holly's other son Rocky that they have run away together. Surprisingly, this storyline merged with Violets's, who found the pair at Fort Bellefleur after smelling Adilyn's fairy blood. Subsequent to destroying her bedroom after discovering Jason gone and leaving him a note declaring their relationship over, Violet menacingly offers Wade and Adilyn a safe place to hideout- and convinced them to throw away their phones. After this turn of events, I have a sneaking suspicion that Violet will meet the true death next week- and I highly doubt there will be many viewers mourning her!
In other news, Nicole finally leaves Sam, declaring that Bon Temps is crazy and that he is "the mayor of crazy". I'm actually really happy that the writers have taken this route with their relationship as I was afraid that they would try to make Sam, Nicole and their soon-to-be-born baby into a "happy family" despite the spontaneous beginning of their relationship mere days after the death of Sam's girlfriend Luna last season. I always felt that this relationship lacked substance, and I finally found Nicole's character interesting in this episode for having the strength to leave an unhealthy relationship whilst heavily pregnant.
Also in Bon Temps, James allows Lettie Mae to drink his blood so that she can communicate with Tara. In an attempt to prove her wrong about her visions of Tara, Lafayette joins her on her V-trip, only to find that she was in fact telling the truth the whole time. The pair follow a vision of Tara to the shack where the Thorntons lived when Tara was younger, before Reverend Daniels shocks them out of their V-stupor. The Reverend tells his wife to choose between the V and him, but she refuses to stop communicating with her deceased daughter, causing him to leave her. I continue to find this storyline insulting to Rutina Wesley, the character of Tara, and the viewers that have followed her journey since the first episode of the series. Wesley has performed outstandingly as Tara throughout the seasons, and certainly deserves better material than being strapped to a crucifix mumbling unintelligible jibberish!
And finally, Sarah Newlin does exactly as Eric and Pam suspected by running to her vampire sister Amber for help. Amber is furious at Sarah for her part in creating Hep v, which she suffers from, biting into her mere moments into their conversation. However, something about Sarah's blood causes Amber to choke and pass out. When she awakens, Sarah informs her of her conversion to Buddhism and her belief that she exists because she is meant to help people. She then reveals the reason Amber reacted to her blood: before fleeing vamp camp last season, Sarah ingested the only cure for Hep V, making her blood an antidote for the virus.
Overall rating: ★★★ ½
This episode was a fairly strong follow up to the two absolutely fantastic episodes that have preceded it. As always, I really enjoyed Pam and Eric's storyline and was ecstatic to see more of Sarah Newlin; Anna Camp's portrayal of her slow descent into madness is somehow both disturbing and hilarious at the same time! I was also pleasantly surprised with how well Bill's infection with Hepatitis V was handled, particularly Jessica's emotional reaction to the news. On the other hand, I felt let down by Tara's final storyline continuing in the same direction it has since her demise in the season premiere and only hope that this plot line ends in a manner that makes up for the insult it has been to the character of Tara so far.